We invest

Rura brings decades of experience to young companies through active investments. We get involved and contribute to the success of the company. Entrepreneurs benefit from our global network. Our focus is on digital business models and services.

We invest

Rura bringt Jahrzehnte an Erfahrung in junge Unternehmen über aktive Investments ein. Es wird mit angepackt und am Erfolg mitgewirkt. Unternehmer*innen profitieren dabei von unserem globalen Netzwerk. Unser Fokus liegt dabei auf digitalen Geschäftsmodellen und Dienstleistungen.
In Dienstleistung und Handel ist Rura zuhause.


Rura is at home in the digital economy. From IT to eCommerce, all digital business models are of interest to us. We are constantly talking to startups, scaleups and established companies that want to place innovative services on the market.

Transformation and change

We help established companies in the digital economy with change processes or the succession process and companies in other industries with their digital transformation. We also get involved as investors in this process.

Strategic investment

We contribute experience in the business and, under certain circumstances, also back this up with capital. This is also the case with citadelle systems AG, the national champion on the system house market. We are the largest investor there and actively manage the company.

Intensive cooperation

We actively accompany portfolio companies during scaling and change. In doing so, we provide support through know-how, experience and also active participation in the operational business, towards investors and in strategic decisions.

Our biggest investments

citadelle systems ag logo

Rura believes in the digital future and is a proud investor of citadelle systems AG. The group's mission to create a national champion in the system house market has excited us from day one and we have been part of it ever since. We are looking forward to a bright future and will continue to accompany and actively support citadelle systems AG.

At citadelle systems AG, we are already experiencing that the buy and built principle works excellently. That's why we have founded an incubator with Castella Nova GmbH. Here, through their platform, a proven succession solution and ecosystem is created that enables managers to develop into entrepreneurs. We are proud to be an active part of it and look forward to the great future.